Enviromental Management


Under the NSW Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) several changes to the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) were introduced, including a new requirement that holders of an Environment Protection Licence make their pollution monitoring data publicly available in a timely manner.

As part of our commitment to open communication with stakeholders and in compliance with legislation, this page provides access to the pollution monitoring data obtained in accordance with the requirements of Environmental Protection Licences held by Cement Australia.


Pollution Incident Response Management Plans

A Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) is required for NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) licensed Cement Australia sites located in NSW under the Protection of the Environment (General) Amendment (Pollution Incident Response Management Plans) Regulation 2012 and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 2011. These plans are held and maintained at each NSW operation.

Cement Australia’s procedure for notifying relevant authorities and surrounding communities of a pollution incident is provided at the link below as per clause 98D of the Protection of the Environment (General) Amendment (Pollution Incident Response Management Plans) Regulation 2012.

Environmental Monitoring
Pollution Incident Response Management
Glebe Island Silo Strengthening Project