YES. GreenCem™ technologies facilitate higher ratios of fly ash and/or slag in concrete mixes. Ternary mix designs of up to 80% SCM have been shown to perform similarly to normal mixes containing 50% replacement.
Yes. GreenCem™ technologies are compatible with all cement and SCMs.
YES. GreenCem™ technologies compensate for the usual lower reactivity at early ages when using elevated SCM levels. Comparable early strengths to straight GP Cement mixes are achievable
YES. GreenCem™ technologies promote expansion across all ages to reduce overall shrinkage.
YES. Cement Australia offers support to all customers using GreenCem™ technologies whether it be laboratory based or in field applications
YES. GreenCem™ technologies promote early reactivity which assists concrete early strength in cooler conditions.
YES. GreenCem™ technologies are advantageous in precast, prestressed and post-tensioned applications where early stripping allows work to progress faster. Ask us how Cement Australia's technical team can assist.
YES. Concrete using GreenCem™ technologies may be suitable for a range of strength grade or mix designs.
YES. Concrete producers can confidently use GreenCem™ technologies in all concrete mixes in compliance with the relevant Australian Standard.